How It Works

Use of the Clean Hands system is simple: an employee activates the soap dispenser, an audible beep is emitted from the monitoring unit, the employee says their name or pass phrase and washes their hands. They are identified by the system using a speech recognition algorithm and their name is displayed on an LCD on the monitoring unit. Each dispenser event is logged to a database on the server and is available for review.  Processes on the server continuously review the statistical data for correct compliance.

The Clean Hands hand washing monitors are Power-over-Ethernet and this power is also used to power the restaurant’s soap dispensers. So, no more batteries are needed in the soap dispensers and no high voltage electrical cables need to be installed.

Management data review is designed with the one minute manager in mind.  The manager can sit down once a week and view a summary of hand washing statistics for each employee. Or he can examine every hand washing event in detail.

The Clean Hands system receives data from the restaurant Point of Sale (POS) system so that we can verify that each employee washes their hands when they clock in for a shift and every hour thereafter or according to whatever protocol the restaurants has set up in the system.

Here is a short video of our system in operation: